Thursday, May 4, 2017

Young, Wild, and THREE!!

Dear Emery,

Three? How did we get here? Three sounds so old to me. You are growing so fast, talking so much, and you have not slowed down at all! ;) We had to take your crib apart after we woke up to you knocking on our door one morning, and you transitioned great! I was camped out in the living room that night with a glass of wine, prepared for an all nighter of carrying you back to your room. But you surprised your dad and me! You only came out three times and then conked out. (And the best piece of advice I ever got was to put your doorknob on backwards so it locks from the outside!)

You spent all summer in the pool, such a little water-bug. One day it was pretty cloudy and everyone got out of the pool. But not you. You jumped off the steps into the pool for a solid 30 minutes all by yourself. I love watching you in moments like that. Fearless. You've gained so much independence!

You dropped your nap this year. WOOF. It was a rough go for a while, but now you love "rest time" and you correct us if we dare call it "nap." We also said goodbye to your pacis. You shocked me big time with that, too! For a while you just held them in your hand while you fell asleep, but then one day you just said, "No more pacis."And that was that. (Potty training is a whole 'nother story... check back next year.)
Nap Time Fail
You're funny, Em. You make us laugh all the time. You went through a stage where you insisted on picking out your own outfits, and I ate it up. I love how quirky and fun you are. You love singing, dancing, jumping, running, climbing, spinning, laughing... you just love life, girl. And I love watching you love life.
Top 5 Favorite Pics Ever
You are so much like me in so many ways, especially your stubborn will. Papa used to say my Native American name was, "Woman With Closed Fists" and I think we could go ahead and say you're Part 2. Once you've decided you aren't doing something, there's no talking you into it. But, the positive spin on that is that once you've decided you CAN do something, you won't quit until you achieve it. And that's the good stuff, Woman With Closed Fists Part 2. (Has a great ring to it, yeah?)

One thing that is SO much like your daddy though, is how particular you are. Things have to be done a certain way, and the same way, every time. If things are different or go out of order or routine it can throw you off. As frustrating as it can be it also makes my heart smile a bit, because I love that about daddy, too.

Me + My Girl
Happy Birthday, Emmy-Lou.
I love you big.


Saturday, April 15, 2017

The First Year - Lincoln Taylor

Dear Lincoln,

I know this sounds cliche, but I cannot believe you're one today. It feels like a trick of some sort. What a year, bud. I often joke that Emery's first year felt like 5 years while your first year feels like I blinked and here we are. You came on your own time, two weeks late and full grown. ;) We joked that you would either be stubborn or so chill that you didn't mind hanging out that long. So far you've been the latter. My calm, go with the flow boy while your sister runs circles and swings from the curtains. Everyone says you look just like your daddy, and I agree. We're still waiting to see what color your hair is going to stay. Everyone says red but your dad and I think more blonde. 

This year was a different one with daddy's unemployed summer, but it was pretty special to have him home while you were still little. 

You slept 8 hours from the first night of your life all the way until month seven and eight. Oh, those nights were hard. You really helped my prayer life grow though, bud. A lot of nights in the dark just praying and crying and walking back and forth in your room. At one point I really just felt like I wasn't going to survive it, I swear. I started texting all my prayer warriors begging them to pray for you to sleep all night again. Eventually you did, after getting EIGHT teeth in those two months! Some people stop babies in stores because they're so cute, you got stopped because you had a mouth full of teeth. Hahaha just kidding. Sort of. ;) 

You made us laugh with your steam roller rolls! Didn't crawl until 10 months but that didn't stop you from getting to where you wanted to go! Rollin, rollin, rollin...

Your Granny Barton always tells me that your dad was the "quiet entertainer" as a little boy and I can already see that in you. One of our favorites is that you love putting buckets on your head. At one point I got so used to you being Mr. Buckethead that one morning I carried you all through the house gathering our things and getting ready to go and I didn't even notice until I put you in the car and was buckling you into your car seat that you had a bucket on your head. 

Another favorite is the fake sneeze. This is just a few weeks old. In the car after hearing daddy sneeze and your sister say, "bless you" you decided to try it out yourself. We find it hysterical and try to get you to do it all the time.

My absolute favorite thing you do is when you throw your head back laughing or crying. I know that sounds mean but you just look so cute. A close second is when I pick you up after nursing to put you up on my shoulder and walk to your bed. You still look just how you did when they handed you to me for the first time with your smushy tired face and your little arms reaching. 

Your dad's favorite thing about you is how ticklish you are! A tickle on any part of your body guarantees a giggle. It's the best. 

Your first and only word so far is "ball." And those are also your favorite toys! You love throwing balls and then going and getting them like you're playing fetch with yourself! 

Everyone told me that boys just have a special place in a mama's heart, and boy, were they right. I don't know if it's that combined with the fact that your my baby and (probably) my last baby, but it seems you have my heart in your hand. My baby boy. Each moment is so exciting and special, especially since this time I know how fast it goes. 

I love you and can't wait to see who you become. We pray that you will grow up to be a man of integrity who loves the Lord. 

Happy Birthday, Linc. Love you so big.