Happy birthday little man! Today you turn two years old and just like last year, I can’t believe how fast it went. You are such a joy, Linc. You’re always making us laugh. Our favorite lately is how you’ll just plop down next to us on the couch or walk up to us and let out your Ross Geller style, “Hi....”
One difference I noticed this year in raising both genders is that Emery always climbed things just to climb it, but you climb things to jump off! You jump off everything, whether it’s off the top of a playground or just an inch off the ground!
You have such a sensitive heart and love to be held. “Hold you, mama!” If you get hurt no matter how big or small the injury is you usually just want a hug, almost like you just want us to acknowledge that something happened and then off you go!
You are so much like your daddy. Super laid back and go with the flow, making us laugh with one liners, and you like things tidy! I know you’ll be such a great husband and father someday.
If year one was the year of buckets on your head, year two is the year of socks and shoes! You are constantly putting on multiple layers of socks and anybody’s shoes you can get ahold of. You won’t keep your pajamas on so now every night and nap you sleep in the snap bottom onesies. (We had to do this for your sister, too.)
Emery might be your favorite person ever. In the mornings and after nap she’s the first person you ask for. I love watching the two of you play together and love each other. You fight, too, of course, but it’s usually over as fast as it starts. One thing you picked up from her is you stomp your foot when you’re mad. You’ve got some fire in you, boy! I often ask you when your whiny or cranky if you need to go back to bed and you quickly respond, “no!” And then I ask if you have a happy heart and you’ll say, “hearrrrrrrt” And it’s just about the cutest thing ever. If I say, “Ow!” And you’re anywhere near me you always say, “sowwy mama!” And give me a kiss. One of my favorite things.
I really can’t believe you’re two. We love you so much, Linky Doodle. (Emery thinks this is your actual full name.)
Your dad and I pray that you grow up to be a man of God full of integrity.
Happy birthday, my sweet boy!
Love, Mama
PS: You’re still the most ticklish person I know!