Monday, May 4, 2020

My Girl Is SIX!

Wow, girl, what a YEAR!

You graduated preschool and even (reluctantly) walked across the stage to get your diploma! Summer was a blast and just constant swimming! (Oh and that week with lice...)  I love watching you in the pool, Em. You're so confident and truly LOVE it. I learned a lot about Enneagrams this year and read somewhere you aren't supposed to "label" your children with them but OHHHH MY you are a ONE, my friend. This has actually been super helpful, even though we are opposites about a lot of things. I've learned a lot this year and now it all makes sense why we both love routine and are, well, the most stubborn people you'll ever meet. You love My Little Pony, Toy Story, LEGO Friends, Star Wars, and all the princesses. You still go into full character almost daily. It's usually the first thing you tell me in the morning- who you are that day. You suddenly have become a pretty picky eater, almost vegetarian except for bacon!

You continue to amaze us with your artwork! Constantly gluing, cutting, drawing, painting, CREATING things out of any and everything. You absolutely love mess- so unlike your brother.  Multiple times a week I find you digging through the recycling bin for "supplies." Once I absentmindedly called it trash to which you responded, "It's not trash, it's ART!!" And you were right, Em. You have the amazing ability to take anything- yes, even "trash" and make it art. 

I love how much you love numbers, knowing what time it is, and being right. ;) You have the best memory and can recall the tiniest of details. You do things on your own time and can’t be forced into ANYTHING. This year you said you were simply done with sleeping in pull ups and then just never wore one again- and never had an accident! You also told us one day walking out of church that “today was the perfect day” to learn how to ride with no training wheels. And you did just that! You had the best attitude and said “I just have to dust myself off and try again!” when you fell. Kindergarten was your favorite and you did so well. I cried the most about you not being able to go back, but you were just fine- and excited that you get to go to First Grade. Your favorite thing is the whole family being together.

I love the serious face you make when pretending and playing dress up, how you can memorize scripture, how sweet you are with Lincoln (most of the time) and how responsible you are. More often than not on school mornings you would be in the car, all buckled and ready to go, waiting on ME to grab that second cup of coffee on the way out the door. You always wake up and are ready to go at 6am on the dot, and don't slow down until bedtime. 

I loved watching you make your own friends this year, even going to your first birthday party where I didn't know anyone! You 
absolutely loved it even though you ate too much chocolate cake which later came back up that afternoon. You went on to tell this story to strangers in Target, neighbors, hairstylists, people on the street, etc. And that leads me to the next thing I love about you.. your honesty. You tell the absolute truth most of the time, always factual and point blank. You enjoy doing the right thing the right way. I hope this sticks around for the teenaged years... a mom can dream! 

Your dad and I love you, Emery, and pray that you keep following Jesus forever and ever! 

Love you so big!
Love, Mom

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Linc is F O U R!

Dear Linc,

Four?! Really? That can't be right... You had quite the year, bud. We finally got you out of diapers and potty trained over the summer and then moved into a big boy bed in the fall! This summer it was all about the pool, again. You've proven to be part fish just like Em. Every time you jumped in you'd say, "Canon FALLLLLLLLLLL!" You also dropped your nap this year. It was definitely an adjustment at first but we both got used to it and now you love have rest time with your tablet. 

Rescue Bots and Toy Story are your favorite things. You love your Magna Tiles and play with them every single day. Some of the things you build with them really amaze me! You started preschool this year and I was just so sure you were going to have a hard time being away from me but the very first day you told me goodbye and went right to playing! You didn't cry once for school drop off. You absolutely loved it which made me so sad with this whole quarantine that's going on now.
You're still my sweet little shy guy. Always hugging, snuggling, and telling almost everyone you encounter that you love them! You get your feelings hurt really easily- especially by Emery :)

Some funny things you say that I don't want to forget:

When I say, "No way!" you (and your sister) say, "Yes-a-way!" 
Asking all of us, "How'd you sweep??" (sleep)
When telling us something, "A-tully..."
After you tell me you love me and I say it back you always say, "Mooooom you're supposed to say 'I love you, TOO!! Not just, 'I love you.'"
You think "naked" is the same as "Lincoln" and often yell "I'M LINCOLN!" meaning, you're naked.

You truly believe that a kiss can make any hurt better. You'll fall hard and cry and run to me and ask for a kiss and just like that you're back to playing! (And sometimes you just kiss it yourself.) You're constantly running everywhere you go- like Dash from The Incredibles. You earned the name "No Butt Barton" this year because your pants never stay up and your little booty is always showing. You are my touchy feely kid... ask me all day long to "scratch you" which means a back scratch, arm tickles, and even belly rubs! :) You took approximately 364 baths this year. You'll often come down the stairs with a huge bucket of toys and tell me you want to take a bath. You stay in there for at least an hour. You love books and often sneak out of your room after bedtime to get books from the hallway and take them back to your bed. In the car you ask for the "rock and roll" song (Glory to God) and nod your head and pump your first the whole time. So funny!! You tell me that I'm the "bestest" girl in the whole world. 

I love you, Lincoln. I'm a little sad to see three year old you go... but I have a feeling four year old you will be pretty great, too. I can't wait to see who you grow up to be. Keep your eyes on Jesus <3
