Monday, June 13, 2016

And if not...

My best friend has a tattoo (that she'll tell you was a mistake) that says, "And if not..." I remember asking her way back when we met what it meant. It comes from Daniel 3 when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are about to be thrown into the fire by that jerk-wad Nebuchadnezzar. They basically tell him that he can do whatever he wants to them, and they still won't worship anybody but God.

Then they tell him that God WILL save them from the flames. BUT! Even if He doesn't, they will still serve HIM.

Six years ago Josh and I moved to Texas with no plans. (Young, wild and free Y'ALL!) We had started a job that you could do anywhere for a company buying gold. We knew nothing about jewelry or sales. Perfect. That job fizzled out (mainly because we're terrible sales people...) Anyways, because we had that job, my uncle mentioned my husband's name when his friends were looking to hire someone for their online jewelry company. He started that summer, worked his way up, and has been there ever since.

Us, six years ago, somewhere between CA and TX

All that to say, my husband found out last Friday that he won't have a job a month from now. While we're thankful for a month's notice, it's hard not to freak out. Things have already been tight since we had our son since I'm not working as much. We've cried a lot,  prayed a lot, and tried not to think the worst. But what if he can't find something? What if we lose our house? Our cars? What if we lose EVERYTHING?

But here's what we've decided to believe: The Lord WILL provide for us. And if not... we'll still serve Him. Our circumstances, belongings, and finances don't determine who we serve.

We are so excited to see what doors He opens next!

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