Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Emery's Eighth


Eight... you're eight. It doesn't sound right at all. I swear it was just yesterday you were speaking in your little babble language and toddling around. 

You've grown so much this past year, Em. You have matured so much. You even lost your two front teeth which I was dreading. It changed your whole face! Oh and I guess I should clarify.. you didn't just "lose" them, you let daddy pull them out! You just passed one year of KidStrong and holy moly you have grown leaps and bounds from that. I am so thankful. Your self confidence exploded and I love watching you shine!!

You're so, so smart. You tell me a new fact almost every single day and most of the time you're teaching me. You've explained why elephants can't jump, how many times a human farts a day, on average, and how it's actually the boy seahorses that give birth. 

I love how much you love holidays, just like me. You make any day a party! Always down to dress up, decorate, and celebrate! You love routine, lists, memorizing just about anything you read, and keeping diaries. Oh and speaking of reading... you are still such a book worm. My little Matilda. You wowed the librarian when you completed the summer reading program in three weeks! You keep your room spotless more often than not, except for the pile of books and stuffed animals you keep in your bed. You got a Tamagotchi for Christmas and have not missed a single day of caring for it! I swear you're more responsible than me. You still mainly eat a diet of carbs and... carbs. A raw carrot every now and then but most of the time it's grilled cheese and pasta. Although you have added chicken nuggets back in! Progress! :) 

Your favorite thing is for family to all be together. I love how much you love all your cousins and how you call them your "Tennessee Cousins" and "California Cousins" and how much you enjoy being with them. You come ALIVE in the summer. You have been my little fish your whole life. You love being in the water and got really good as diving for "sinkies" in the pool. You tan just like your Lala and your hair bleaches blonde right in the front just how my did at your age. 

Dad and I have been setting aside one on one time with you and Lincoln and I have really enjoyed it. One day you and I went to Target just us two and I got you your first Starbucks drink. You thought you were big time with that for sure!

I really love being your mom, Em. It is the most amazing, challenging, fun ride of my life! Sometimes I want to pull all my hair out and the next I'm sneaking in to check on you while you're sleeping just to see you one more time that day. You can push my buttons like nobody else, but most of time we are best buds. Watching you grow is truly bittersweet. One thing that always makes me laugh is that you can always tell when I've cleaned any room. You come in from school and run upstairs and I hear, "HEY MOM LOOKS GOOD UP HERE!! SO CLEANNNNN!" 

I want you to keep your goofy side forever, never stop singing in the shower, and always keep your eyes on Jesus. He has big plans for you and I am so excited to be right here to witness it all. You are AMAZING! 

Happy 8th, my Emery. I love you!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Happy SIXTH Birthday, Linc!

Lincoln Taylor! How in the world are you six?! Each year seems to be flying by faster and faster. 

You’ve had a wonderful year being five! This year was full of superheroes and Sonic the Hedgehog. You still love to run everywhere you go including running laps in the house. You always tell me you're going to run around to "get some energy." First it was Dash, then Flash, and now Sonic. Legos still play a huge role in your day to day life, whether it’s building something or just carrying all the tiny figures around. Black Panther was definitely your favorite superhero this year- you were so excited to wear the costume for Halloween and all the time around the house. 

Your dance moves really evolved this year. You busted out some breakdancing and even handstands on your knuckles! You make us laugh so much. Always have a “joke” to tell us or simply doing anything for a laugh. We love your free spirit and call you Forky often. When anyone tells you a joke you say, "ohhhhhhhh I get it......" and then repeat the joke super slowly. 
You’ve blossomed in Kindergarten this year! I was super nervous but you were confident and excited to start!! Of course I was the only one who cried that first morning of school. We were so thankful that you were put in the same class that Emery had for Kindergarten. You’ve made so many good friends and for once they're just yours and not one of Emery’s friends! Right before school started you decided you wanted spiky hair. I took you to DV8 and you were such a HAM! You were walking around doing finger guns and winking at everyone. We laughed so hard! 

You still love salad and meat of all kinds and still don’t have much of a sweet tooth. You love applesauce packets and at one point this year I couldn't
find any so I substituted with Organic Applesauce and you could totally tell the difference and HATED it. Made me laugh!

You are still my sweet, cuddly, and sensitive kid. You ask for back scratches every single night and if you're ever sitting remotely close to me or dad on the couch. I love how you pray in third person because that’s how you hear me and Daddy pray for you. You’re always the one to initiate family hug every morning when Dad leaves for work and you love running down the sidewalk to wave as he drives away. 
I’ve loved watching how brave you’ve become at KidStrong. You run in full speed ahead and take each challenge head first. You made all the parents laugh one day when I got your attention to tell you to stop picking your nose and you turned and looked at me over your shoulder and mimed slowly putting your finger up to your nose. No embarrassment there bud, just always looking for the laugh! 
It's so crazy to watch you grow. You're my baby so every first is a last, too. But for now you still hug and kiss your mama so I'm holding on to each moment like that. I love how much you look like Daddy and all your freckles that pop up on your cheeks in the summer. 

Some funny quotes from this year: 

-After staring at my feet for a solid minute and you asked, “Mom how come your toes are always in the same spot?”

-Emery and I had been talking in the car for a solid 20 minutes about salvation, angels, heaven and hell, baptism, etc when Lincoln chimed in that he had a question. I couldn’t wait to hear what was on his heart after taking it all in…

Lincoln: Guys what if that ladder on top of that car fell off and hit us?????? 

-Oh I know why it's call a hair salon because you get your hair cut there an it's a salon. 

-While watching Peter Pan I asked you what would your happy thought be to fly and you responded, "Uh...flying."

-One morning I had to wake you up for school (which almost never happens) and you sleepily sat up and said, "Is there school today?" and I said yes and you said, "I just can't do the work today. I just can't do the work." 

Happy 6th Birthday, Lincoln. You are one of the best parts of my life. Dad and I hope and pray you grow up to be a Godly man full of integrity. I love you!!

Love, Mama