Sunday, April 16, 2023

And Then He Was Seven...

Dear Lincoln, 

How? How are you 7? I really can't believe my chunky, squishy little baby boy is 7! 

You grew A LOT this year- and lost your first tooth- three actually! I really thought you would lose your fourth one by your birthday but that thing is still hanging on for dear life. You won't touch it or let anyone else near it. (It makes me a little queasy to see it dangling, honestly.)

You spent the summer in the water, of course. We lasted ONE afternoon at the pool and you told me you were done with floaties. I worked with you for 15 minutes and then you spent the rest of the summer floatie-free. Even in Papa and Lala's super deep pool! You loved our time at Granny and Grandpa's running around in their backyard and wearing a wetsuit at the cold California beaches! You said you felt like Dash from the Incredibles and ran amongst the waves. Another summer trip was to Tennessee to see all the family there. You loved playing with your cousins!

In the fall we made the difficult decision to put you back through Kindergarten and it has been one of the best things for you! I walked into your parent teacher conference in October and your teacher said, "Well, you made the right decision!!!!" I cried, of course. It has been amazing to watch you absolutely THRIVE at school. You are reading like a champ and your confidence absolutely exploded. You are still the funniest kid ever. Constantly making us all laugh with your silly dances, jokes, poses, and just being you! You say the funniest things all time and I love it so much. You still ask for back scratches and snuggles every single day and always have a blanket. You hate waking up in the mornings (except weekends) and I still think you would crawl under my skin if you could. Close is never close enough! You did, however, inform me that you're too old to hold my hand in the parking lot but holding your wrist is okay. 

You have big feelings and are known to say "THIS IS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!" if something makes you mad, but we hear that it's the "BEST DAY" a lot, too. Your smile gets you in trouble and makes it hard for Dad and I to get on to you about anything. (You got this from your Papa Lamb) 

We love you so much, Linky, (Oh you told me you were too old to be called this, but I'm your mom and I can call you whatever I want.) You're my biggest encourager. Really. You tell me every single day that I'm the "best mom" and that you love me about fifty times a day. The sweetest boy!

Some of our favorite Lincoln quotes from this year: 

Emery (with her hair curled): Lincoln do I look different?

You: Yeah you look like John Cena as a girl.


Telling me about music class at school:

"Yeah we listened to that Hallelujah song from Captain Underpants! It's by some guy named Doorknob or something..." (Handel)


Granny told you to "look up to Heaven!" and you said, "Who is Kevin??"


Does God watch us pee?


Daddy and I pray that you'll always keep your eyes on the Lord and that you grow up to be a man of integrity. Happy 7th Birthday, bud.

I love you, Linky Doo!

Love, Mama